BUDRAD POLSKA Sp. z o.o. – leader of the CNC industry in northeastern Poland. The goal of our company is extensive cooperation with the client in the field of CNC machining and CAD/CAM programming. We use the latest technologies to ensure the highest quality products and low costs. We cooperate with over 130 small and large, local and global contractors from the automotive, railway and many other industries. We constantly improve technological processes in order to increase efficiency and improve the quality of products. Implemented ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. We have many years of experience in CNC machining (turning, milling); we have our own design department and a staff of well-trained employees. We make ready-made details from metal and plastics.
Key processes: CNC machining (turning, milling), assembly.
Additional processes we manage: anti-corrosion protection (galvanizing, painting, blackening, anodizing), laser cutting, heat and chemical treatment, bending, welding, 3D printing, glass blasting, material purchases, logistics of materials and finished products.
Call or write to us and tell us exactly what you want us to do for you.
We create detailed technical documentation of the project in a 3D CAD/CAM program
Check the opinions of our customers - our priority is the highest quality of services.
We work reliably, meet deadlines, and complete orders in accordance with the contract.
We are able to produce parts, structural elements, or design and build entire machines. Take advantage of our offer. Take advantage of our offer
Usługa finansowana w ramach projektu
„Global KOM – Internacjonalizacja Klastra Obróbki Metali”
współfinansowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój, oś priorytetowa: „2 Wsparcie otoczenia i potencjału przedsiębiorstw do prowadzenia działalności B+R+I”, działanie: „2.3 Proinnowacyjne usługi dla przedsiębiorstw”, poddziałanie: „2.3.3. Umiędzynarodowienie Krajowych Klastrów Kluczowych”